Private Tutoring in Newport Beach

Private sessions offered by Kimberly Truong

Catching Up

Newport Beach is home to many competitive public and private schools. Ensuring your child stays ahead of his or her classmates may require more than what is offered from 8-3. Many parents offer their children private tutoring to ensure they are working to the best of their potential, keep up in class, as well as learn beyond what the school teaches them.

Working One-on-One

One-on-one tutoring ensures the lessons are always at your child’s speed. The tutor has no deadline to meet, but the one you and your child set. Sometimes, being in more competitive schools, students fall through the cracks. I have heard teacher friends say, in order to keep up with the California Common Core Standards, some students slip through the cracks because as long as enough know the material—they will move on.

Newport Beach is home to many of those fast-paced curriculums. While the school works to get through all the standards, the students may feel overwhelmed. You may feel overwhelmed or just too busy. A private tutor works one-on-one with your child to ensure they will always stay at the top of the class.

On-Location Tutoring

It is just easier to have the tutor come to you and your child. You already have enough to do. The best way for your child to continue learning after an 8-hour school day is to make sure they can relax. Many find this the best way to learn..

Sprinting Ahead

Colleges like to see students who rise above and beyond. Sometimes, school curriculums just aren’t good enough for students to compete with millions of others around the country and maybe even the world to get into some of the top colleges in the country.

Another reason to hire a tutor is when the school just isn’t moving fast enough for your child. Make sure he or she stays mentally challenged. If they can learn more—make sure they do!


Questions? CALL (714) 251-6393

Work for Newport Beach Businesses

Over the years I have done quite a bit of writing for local businesses websites such as The Ledger Law Firm’s Newport Beach location.

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