Private Tutoring in Garden Grove
Private sessions make a difference!
One-On-One Instruction
I work one-on-one with your student in your own home. If you or your child’s caretaker lives in Garden Grove, I can travel to you for all of his or her sessions. Not all students need help in the same areas. Math and English tutoring are the most sought out services, but there are many other subjects your child may struggle with that isn’t offered by main-stream businesses. Working with just your child, I can give him or her my undivided attention.
On-Call Services
Garden Grove and surrounding areas are ideal locations if you want on-call services. While your child and I do have a set schedule, you may need to change your hours around to accommodate special or unpredictable occasions. You can cancel early, and make up the hours early. If you would like to move a session just one tie, I am also available on-call.
Service Packages
I offer different service packages with competitive pricing. Packages include tutoring for multiple students (in one family) and add-on classes to your packages. Students may be of the same grade level, or of different grade levels. If your students are in different grade levels, it is important to know that opting for a service package for multiple students means forfeiting the one-on-one instruction, because they will be learning different things.
I Speak Vietnamese
Many in the area search for a tutor who speaks Vietnamese. You may want an English and math tutor for your child, but it is also important you have a tutor who can effectively communicate with you and/or your child’s caretaker about his or her progress.
Garden Grove Location
Tentatively starting April 1st, I will be offering tutoring at Gracie Barra Garden Grove, located in the Valley View Office Park. This partnership will provide parents the option to drop children off for several hours hours for tutoring, immediately followed by GBGG’s kids martial arts class. Please contact me if interested in this opportunity.
Gracie Barra Garden Grove
12062 Valley View St #101
Garden Grove, CA 92845
Questions? CALL (714) 251-6393
Community Service
Through Girl Scouting, I have volunteered in Garden Grove over the years. Especially through high school and college, I volunteered with the Tet Festival, doing everything from building the gates and huts for the festival days before to dressing up in ancient Vietnamese costumes and walking around the ancient Vietnamese village for hours. Yes, I did that.
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